Those exponents of bourgeois liberalization who have violated state law must be dealt with severely. 对搞资产阶级自由化并且触犯了刑律的人,不严肃处理是不行的。
Bourgeois law, which protects this supremacy, exists only for the possessing class and their dealings with the proletarians. 维护男子统治的资产阶级法权,只是为了有产者和为了他们同无产者的相互关系而存在的;
As a pure and kind girl, Tess was destroyed by bourgeois decayed ethics, hypocritical religion and unfair law; 苔丝的悲剧是一个纯洁、善良的女子被资产阶级腐朽的伦理道德、伪善的宗教以及不公正的法律制度所毁灭的悲剧;
One is the bourgeois revolution led by the emerging property-owning middle class that the new law will help. 一场是由新兴的拥有财产的中产阶级领导的资产阶级革命,新法律将会促进中产阶级的壮大。
As a theoretical premise of the world outlook of the law, the social contract theory also establishes the bourgeois fundamental principles of the law. 作为法学世界观的理论前提,社会契约论还确立了资本主义的基本法律原则。
Her economic and class position determines her being oppressed by bourgeois ethics, religion and law. 苔丝的经济地位和阶级地位决定了她在为资产阶级服务的道德、宗教、法律面前必然处于被压迫的地位。
The Bourgeois Drafting of Commercial Law Before the 1911 Revolution 论辛亥革命前资产阶级拟订商法的活动
After Wuchang Uprising, in order to consolidate the victory, the military governments in some provinces formulated their constitutional documents, namely provincial provisional constitutions, which established the bourgeois parliamentary republican regime in the form of fundamental law. 武昌起义后,为了巩固胜利成果,一些省份的军政府制定了本省的宪法性文件,即各省约法,以根本法的形式确立了资产阶级议会共和政体。
Judicial independence put forth by bourgeois torchbearers as the basis of establishing law, now has become a universal principle of law and an important part of world political civilization. 司法独立是作为建立法治的基础由资产阶级启蒙思想家提出的,现已成为国际社会普遍认可的一项法治原则,是世界政治文明的重要组成部分。
This paper discusses the process of Educational Modernization from French bourgeois revolution to the First World War in terms of educational law and curriculum revolution. From those aspects analyzing the obvious Characters of reversal and radicalness of Modernization of French Education. 探讨了法国资产阶级大革命至一战前近一百年的教育现代化的进程,并着重从教育法制和课程变革两个方面,分析在此进程中其教育现代化有着明显的反复性和激进性的特征。
Hobbes is a famous bourgeois thinker conceiving profuse thoughts on criminal law. 霍布斯是资产阶级著名的思想家,他的刑法思想十分丰富。
However, western countries began to abolish it after the bourgeois revolution, thus affecting a multitude of colonial or semi-colonial countries 'criminal law in Asia, Africa and Latin America in the world. 但是,资产阶级革命后,西方国家掀起了废除没收财产刑的浪潮,由此影响了亚、非、拉广大地域的殖民地、半殖民地国家的刑法。
After the victory of the bourgeois revolution, the balance between crime and punishment, as a basic principle of criminal law, has been established. 资产阶级革命胜利后,罪刑均衡作为刑法的一项基本原则被确立。
Meanwhile, under the theoretical guidance of bourgeois enlightenment thinkers the civil law countries executed comprehensive reform of judicial system. Jury system also appeared in the civil law countries, and gradually developed in these countries. 与此同时,大陆法系国家在资产阶级启蒙思想家的理论指导下进行了全面的司法制度改革,也出现了陪审制,并在大陆法系国家内逐渐发展成熟。
Ever since the bourgeois revolution in criminal law, the criminal law was expected to be of equivalent and fit between punishment and crime. 自从资产阶级刑法革命以来,刑法被赋予了罪刑等价、罪刑相适应的要求。
After the bourgeois revolution, jury system in common law countries approached maturity. 近代意义的陪审制度萌芽于英国,资产阶级革命后陪审制度在普通法系国家走向成熟。